Backyard Brighton is a collection of photographs and reminiscences based on material gathered by Brighton Borough Council with the intention of creating a record of houses that were scheduled for demolition during the 1930s.

Originally published in 1988, this was a seminal book for QueenSpark Books, produced in association with the Lewis Cohen Urban Studies Centre.

Backyard Brighton has been re-published together with its sister book, Back Street Brighton in a single edition. You can order it here.

It is also available as a PDF download via the button below. This electronic edition contains an extra selection of photographs which did not feature in the original book.

The file you will receive is Kindle friendly, although as it is in PDF format it can be viewed and read by anybody with Adobe Reader.

QueenSpark Books also has a free to download android mobile phone app called Backyard Brighton where you can receive images, text and audio about the area on your phone.

If you prefer a print book, Back Street Brighton has been re-published together with its sister book, Backyard Brighton in a single edition. You can order it here.