This was the location for many of the barrow boys and street traders in the past. It is still a busy vibrant market on a Saturday morning selling food, second hand goods and contemporary crafts.
“We sold along London Road – you had to be careful there – but Gardner Street was our main street. You had to watch out because sometimes the police would be hiding in the shops – we were allowed just that five minutes to stop and serve and that’s all.”
Mrs Wheatley, a shopkeeper, didn’t appreciate the street traders:
“They would be all over the place – some would be down where the mackerel came in, some would carry soft fruit. Well, it was bad for the shopkeeper. If they came through Richmond Buildings with a barrow, they’re selling stuff 2d. or 3d. a pound cheaper than the shops are – naturally that’s going to hit the shop, isn’t it ?”

Turn right at the end of Upper Gardner Street and then turn left into Tidy Street. At the end turn right onto Trafalgar Street. At the end turn left onto London Road and continue along for a few blocks, turning right into Oxford Street.