
Uncovering Brighton’s Stories

QueenSpark Books: Brighton’s community history publisher, dedicated to preserving and sharing the city’s past. Explore local voices through books, events, and more.

Brighton History – Local History Books

Since 1972, QueenSpark Books has been dedicated to preserving the rich history of Brighton. Our collection of local history books and ebooks offers a unique perspective on the city’s past, meticulously researched and told by the people who lived here. Explore Brighton’s captivating history with us.

Visit the bookshop to buy our books, or download e-books and pdfs here.

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Throughout 2025, we are raising funds to support our core costs, and to keep our unique archive free and online. You can help by making a donation, of whatever you can afford, here.

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Brighton & Hove’s History in Books

QueenSpark Books bookshop
QueenSpark Books bookshop

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“I love QueenSpark Books and always enjoy reading them and always buy if I see in a charity shop. The most real fantastic books ever.”
“A really excellent organisation. The books are all so fascinating!”
“Your history books are amongst the best out there.”
“25 years ago I recall stumbling on your organisation and thinking then, how very wonderful to have a community based publisher in the town.”
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“Brighton is lucky to have Queen Spark working with such dedication and skill to share it’s hidden stories.”
“I enjoyed finding out more about Queen Spark because of doing this survey. Keep doing this good work.”
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“Your work is invaluable but, I fear not always well known. I would love to see your profile raised.”
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“Found it very informative over the years bringing old Brighton to life for those of us who had lived in and grew up in Brighton bringing our ancestors closer.”
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