Phoebe Hessel (1713-1821) was a woman who spent part of her life dressed as a man, and fought as a soldier for many years with the British Army. In the 18th century, women had very little power or choice in their lives and there was therefore much to be gained in ‘becoming a man’ in such a patriarchal society. In writing this book for children, QueenSpark hoped to encourage them to explore and question gender roles and have some insight into the changing values and expectations of contemporary society. Her grave is still to be found in the grounds of St Nicholas’ Church, Dyke Road.
Produced in association with the Gender issues and Children Group organised by the Early Childhood Project.
Editorial team: Jackie Blackwell, Danny Birchall, Joanna Madden, Ruth Moorhouse, Chris Randall, John Sitzia, Faye-Marie Trussell