With tales of Indian soldiers recuperating at the Royal Pavilion, Suffragettes, paranormal legends, conscientious objectors and families torn apart by conflict, Brighton’s Graphic War is a graphic novel which focuses on the impact of World War One on home life.
Created by 15 new young writers and artists, the book illustrates the huge social changes that took place from 1900 to 1920; from daily life at the workhouse, to washday in Hove, conscripts returning home after the horrors of the front line, to rationing on the domestic front – Brighton’s Graphic War details how the first modern war of the 20th Century impacted upon the people of a Sussex town.
Brighton’s Graphic War features a cover design by Children’s Laureate Chris Riddell, and Foreword by Comic’s Laureate Dave Gibbons.
Available as a hardback book from local outlets including Dave’s Comics in Sydney Street, City Books in Western Road Hove, and in an e-book version from Amazon for Kindle, the Apple Store and Google Play for Android readers.