What are the stories that still need to be told?

For over 50 years QueenSpark has been collecting and publishing the stories of the city, told by the people that live(d) here.

From Brighton’s fishing history to the vibrant trans community and stories of migrants and refugees, these collective experiences shape the unique and ever-changing character of our city – you can read many of the stories here in our archive.

Are there voices or experiences from our community that haven’t yet been captured by QueenSpark? We want to hear about the groups, cultures, and neighbourhoods that make Brighton & Hove such a tapestry of shared experiences. Whether it’s the history of a long-standing community or the journey of a newer one, we want to explore the narratives that matter to you.

Share your ideas by sending us a brief outline – what is the story? why does it need to be told? – to john(at)queensparkbooks.org.uk by Wednesday the 31st of July. Our volunteers will go through the submissions, and we’ll then apply to the National Lottery Awards For All programme for a project based on the ideas. If the application is successful, we will develop a project and book in 2025.