Bangla Brighton QueenSpark books

Since the turn of the century, QueenSpark Books’ publications featured some of the different communities that have made Brighton & Hove their home.

Published in 2005, Missing the Nile examines the customs and culture of the Sudanese community living in the Brighton & Hove area. Written in both English and Arabic, it is accessible to a wide audience including the second generation of the Sudanese community.

Bangla Brighton (2006) is a series of moving true life accounts of life on the South coast by Brighton & Hove’s Bangladeshi community. At times heartbreaking, but always full of hope, these stories offer the reader a glimpse into a fascinating culture.

Also published in 2006, The Faith Project used oral history and video work to help members of the Sudanese Coptic, Muslim and Progressive Jewish communities collate a history of how and why the followers of these faiths arrived in Brighton and the traditions and customs they brought with them.

Alongside these ‘true life’ books, QueenSpark Books also marked the Millennium with a child’s-eye view of contemporary Brighton and Hove.